Warlord Games are extremely excited to announce that famed author and wargames developer Gav Thorpe has recently stepped on board the Konflikt ’47 Writing and Development Team.

Gav Thorpe is best known for his extensive work as a developer and writer for Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, as well as his novels set in those universes, including The Sundering trilogy, Deliverance Lost, and many many more. In addition, he was awarded the 2017 David Gemmell Legend Award for Fantasy for his novel Warbeast, as well as having been heavily involved in the 2000 AD series of games for Warlord.

Gav brings his vast experience and creative prowess to the team, and will be an essential part of the development of the universe, rules, and overall aesthetic of Konflikt ’47, putting his background to good use! He’s as excited as we are about it all, too!

Writer and Games Developer, Gav Thorpe

Gav Thorpe
“Like many gamers of a certain vintage, I grew up with World War Two model kits, and my first ever homegrown simple rules set used old 1/72 scale figures, made up at a friend’s house when I was ten years old. I’ve played many WWII games of different scales and types ever since. I’m also a huge fan of esoteric knowledge and alternate history, both of which place Konflikt ’47 firmly in the ‘Loads of Fun to Write’ category. It’s been great working with Andy on the 2000 AD games for Warlord. I’m a big fan of Bill’s work and have met him a few times but this is our first collaboration. Cam is a highly knowledgeable addition to the team which has been a lot of help. It’s a great crew to be a part of, and I think folks will really appreciate the variety of styles, inspirations and outlooks we’re bringing to the Konflikt ’47 setting.”

Peter Gosling – Head of Marketing and K’47 Product Manager, Warlord Games
“Gav is a great creative talent who brings a fantastic resume to this project. He’s exactly the kind of person we wanted to have on the team, and having worked closely with him at Games Workshop I’m incredibly excited to see how he’ll tackle the Weird War of the Konflikt universe!”

Konflikt '47 by Warlord Games

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Start Collecting Konflikt ’47

Exciting times are ahead for Konflikt ’47, but you can already leap in and embrace the weird war. Unleash Rift-tech-infused genetic monstrosities, towering walkers and a whole host of weapons of unparalleled destructive potential onto the tabletop. For those new to Konflikt, and to celebrate our announcement, we’ve put together Start Collecting Bundles for the core nations. Each contains a starter set for the relevant army (replete with dice, tokens and rulebook), one of the army’s signature walkers for undeniably cool armoured punch, and, as an added bonus, an armoured officer team for free to lead your new army to tabletop glory!

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