We recently announced to the world that the Warlord Games App would be launching alongside Bolt Action: Third Edition, giving you a fantastic list-builder and second-in-command ready for the new edition. Today, we want to talk about the subscription model, and why it’s such great value. If you want to see all of the awesome features coming at launch, you can find a full breakdown of them here – the app is absolutely packed with features, and even more will be added in the future!

Warlord App Benefits

  • Flexible subscription plan
  • No cost for additional content
  • Live updates as new rules and books release
  • Always up to date, always correct
  • Rewards for yearly subscription – early access, discounts and Warlord Games vouchers
  • Much, much more content coming

The thing that we saw the most people wanting to know about was whether their subscription to the app would cover future Armies of… book releases and updates. We’re happy to say – yes it will! By subscribing to the app, you’re covered for all future Bolt Action rules releases, updates, FAQs, and errata, at no additional cost, and with no extra action required by you – these will automatically appear in the app as soon as they release, and in some cases even shortly before, making the app the definitive, authoritative source for all Bolt Action rules!

Warlord Games App - Unit Profile Rules Example
The army builder will have all the rules and units, with more added with every future book release at no additional charge!

This means that whenever you open the Warlord Games app, you can be absolutely certain that the information in your hands is correct and up-to-date – we, along with the team at Maloric Digital, are absolutely committed to giving you the best possible value for your subscription.

As part of this, we wanted to ensure that we provided people with options for how to subscribe, which is something many of you wanted to know more about. The rolling by-month plan giving you the flexibility to access the app as and when you need it, while the yearly plan not only gives you one month free, but also rewards your loyalty with a £10 Warlord Games voucher – even better, subscribers on the yearly plan will get access to new content before anyone else!

For less than the cost of a pot of paint per month, you get access to all the resources of the app – and that’s not all! The Warlord Games App is a long-term project that will continue to grow and expand, adding awesome new features and capabilities, and incorporating more and more of your favourite games as time goes on – subscribers won’t need to pay extra for any of this – once you’re in, you’re in!

We’re starting with Bolt Action: Third Edition, but this is just the beginning – it’s only going to get bigger and better!

  1. I say this as someone who loves the app as it currently is and intends to subscribe to this in any case, it’s not great when the whole article has great reasons for people to subscribe that you end it with “For less than the cost of a pot of paint…” That sort of phrase or sentence just never sounds right. It’s like when Blizzard Entertainment announced Diablo Immortals (a mobile phone game, saying “Do you not have phones?!” when the crowd booed at the men on the stage.

    I know you mean well by comparing the cost to something else, but there’s no way to phrase that without it sounding….I don’t know what the correct word to use is, but I hope you get the idea.

  2. I don’t have time to play every month, I have a job and family. Why not make the books a tad more expensive and have them include a code to unlock the content in the app?

  3. Yeah, but I want to own my books.
    Books as a Service are liable to alteration without my consent, or cancellation. I remember Wizards of the Coast deciding to try to enforce the use of their app rather than books, and it was a big factor in many people, myself included, deciding not to get the next version of DnD.
    When the next edition releases, paper books, PDFs, etc. will still be available to use if people prefer the older edition. Digital copies in a subscription app might not be.

  4. Dunno. A 1 time payment, yes.

    But subscriptions, if left to run, cost and cost an cost, if you just play Bolt Action or not.

    So there is a big “no” to suscription models.

  5. I’m willing to pay if the quality is really good. However, I’d like to see the app accessible in a browser and iPad form. I don’t really list build on my mobile, so this is tough to use.

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