Stretcher-bearer! This unfortunate Union infantryman has caught a stray round in the heat of battle, and become a casualty – and this month’s Soldier of Fortune (or, in this case, Misfortune) figure! With a stretcher party hurrying him to the surgeons, he won’t be around for long – he’ll only be available in the month of February, after which he’ll be whisked off to hospital for a long period of recuperation.
Packed with detail, this fantastic Soldier of Fortune set is a must-have for collectors, painters, and gamers alike, but remember – it’s only available during February 2024, after which the poor Union soldier will be in the throes of recovery.
If you require fit and fighting men to refight the battles of the American Civil War, fortuitous news! The release of our upcoming American Civil War 28mm range snakes ever closer! Learn more here!

The perfect characterful addition to any American Civil War force, whether as a casualty marker or simply table-dressing, make sure you don’t miss your chance to get hold of Soldier of Misfortune!
Each month, a different, unique special figure is available to purchase exclusively through The Warlord Games Webstore, for that month only. At the end of the month, a new special figure takes its place. Once gone, those figures will be unavailable for a minimum of two years thereafter, by any means.
Numbered sequentially, it’s easy to keep track of your whole collection of these Warlord Webstore-exclusive figures. Remember that each figure will only be around for a month; don’t miss out on getting hold of the complete collection of Soldiers of Fortune!