Bolt Action: Third Edition digital resources are here. These free PDF downloads include army lists for nations not covered in the main rulebook, the latest FAQ and Errata, and more will be added in future! Not got your copy of Third Edition yet? Get your copy here!

Minor Nations PDFs
Enabling you to field your collections right away, these PDF army lists for nations not covered in the main rulebook have been reworked and redesigned for Third Edition! Just like the lists in the rulebook, these will be replaced over time by their own entries in the Armies of… series (Release Roadmap Here!) allowing you to field these forces until then.

FAQ & Errata
Bolt Action: Third Edition is brand new, and we know you’re sure to have some questions about it. Don’t worry – we’ve got answers! Similarly, while we put a lot of time into editing and checking all of our books, sometimes mistakes do slip through, and when they’re caught, we want to make sure they’re put right. For ease of reading, we’ve split the FAQ and Errata into two documents, and these will be periodically updated as needed.

Other Digital Resources
We’ll also be using this area as a handy place to store other Bolt Action: Third Edition free digital downloads – these might be anything from scenarios to painting guides, but you can be sure that if we put them here, they’ll be useful!

The Warlord Games App!
All these rules and updates will be included on the Warlord Games App, your all-in-one Bolt Action companion, and the most up-to-date source for rules updates! Annual app subscribers will receive many of these new rules before anyone else, so if you want to be the first to know – get the app!

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