Francesco Thau is a longtime friend of Warlord and a prolific painter of historical wargaming figures. He often sends us pictures of his excellent projects – they never fail to blow us away. Here we present some of his recent efforts as well as a few of his pieces from over the years. They provide inspiration to us hobbyists of the highest order!
Hail Caesar

British Line Infantry

British Highlanders

KGL Light Infantry

French Hussars

Italian Grenadiers Regiment

1st Regiment of Italian Chasseurs-à-Cheval

Belgian Line Infantry
Portuguese Cannon

Prussian Landwehr Regiment

Lützow Free Corps (Built from Prussian Landwehr)

Other Periods
Pike & Shotte Landsknechts

WWII American Infantry

WWII Bersaglieri at the Battle of El Alamein
Doesn’t that just make you want to take up your brush and get painting? We’ll be sure to keep an eye out and share any of Francesco’s future projects.
These are some exquisite miniatures! i am inspired!
Francis is a great painter and his historical research admirable, it shows in the figurines and the changes he makes. I hope to see more of his projects on these pages soon.
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