The new Sergeant Sawyer model represents our illustrious and beloved co-founder, Paul Sawyer. Paul has sadly been forced to step away from Warlord Games due to a serious illness, but we wanted to commemorate and celebrate his incredible career and passion for our hobby with a special figure. Shown in British Airborne uniform, a nod to the many, many Red Devils he’s painted over the years, This figure is our small tribute to a man without whom Warlord Games would simply not exist, and our lives be far the poorer.

Available for a limited time, all proceeds from the sale of this figure will go to The Brain Tumour Charity, an incredibly worthy cause chosen by Paul himself.

Sergeant Sawyer, Charity Figure by in tribute to Warlord Games' co-founder, Paul Sawyer

Sergeant Sawyer in Bolt Action

A true legend of the tabletop, Sergeant Sawyer stands ready to lead his British Airborne on another daring mission. Always on hand when he’s most needed, dispensing sage advice, copious amounts of hot lead, and a bawdy joke or two, his tireless efforts are a huge asset on the battlefield!

Sergeant Sawyer may be added to any Veteran British Platoon Commander’s Team. Note that this is in addition to the two men that may normally accompany an officer. He has the following profile:

Cost65 pts (Veteran)
CompositionAccompanies a Veteran British Officer
WeaponsSubmachine Gun
Special Rules– I’ll Handle It: If the Officer to which Sergeant Sawyer is attached is killed, the Sergeant immediately takes over – he counts as a Veteran Platoon Commander from this point on, gaining all the associated special rules.
– That’s How You Do It!: If any unit within 6” of Sergeant Sawyer (his model, not the unit he is part of) fails an Order Check, they may immediately re-roll the dice. Note that this also applies to Sergeant Sawyer’s own unit!
– Indomitable Spirit: Sergeant Sawyer and his unit ignore all negative modifiers when taking Order Checks. In addition, he confers the Stubborn rule on himself and the unit he is attached to.
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