We’ve looked at the Romans, we’ve looked at the elephants, and that means it’s time to look at the brand-new Carthaginian sprue, coming soon with the launch of Hail Caesar Epic Battles: The Punic Wars! Someone needs to put the Romans in their place (that place being back in Italy, not causing any trouble), and these are just the chaps to do it! Carthaginian forces contained a diverse variety of troops from across the Mediterranean and North Africa, some subjects of Carthage, and others mercenaries fighting for pay. This is a great opportunity to build a force that stands in stark, colourful contrast to the serried ranks of Roman infantry!

Unlike the massed ranks of the Roman Legions, the Carthaginian forces didn’t fight in quite such tight formations (to the best of our knowledge – it’s not like there are any reference photos, after all!), so the standard Epic Battles strip system works perfectly well for their infantry units, giving the impression of a dense block of troops, but not quite as shoulder-to-shoulder as their Roman foes. This lets you really go to town on the fantastic detail present on the varied troops of the Carthaginian army, while still representing the huge number of troops arrayed for battle!

Hail Caesar Epic Battles Carthaginian Plastic Sprue
Hail Caesar Epic Battles Carthaginian Plastic Sprue

Like the Roman sprue, you get rank-and-file, skirmishers, cavalry, and a commander on each Carthaginian sprue – let’s dive in! We’ll start with the infantry, of which you’ll find two types in ranks, alongside a bevy of individual skirmishers.

First up, with their oval shields and distinctive cloaks, we have the Spanish Scutarii. These Celto-Iberian medium infantry, equipped with a mixture of swords and spears, are excellent line troops who can be relied upon to go toe-to-toe with Roman Hastati and form the core of your battleline. Their eponymous scutum shields give them excellent protection – so good, in fact, that the Romans copied them for themselves – while their fearsome falcata swords are lethal at close quarters. No Carthaginian force should be without several big blocks of these Spanish warriors anchoring their battleline – which is why there are three strips of them on every Carthaginian sprue! With plenty of real estate on their cloaks and shields, these soldiers are a painter’s dream, and will look absolutely fantastic on the tabletop without too much effort at all!

Hail Caesar Epic Battles Spanish Scutarii
Spanish Scutarii

The second type of infantry found on the Carthaginian sprue are the Libyan ‘heavies’. Hailing from the Carthaginian heartland of North Africa, these elite spearmen are clad in chainmail and bearing round shields are just what you need when the Romans fall back on their Principes and Triarii, being more than capable of holding their own in even the thickest fighting. As befits some of the very best infantry available, your Libyans should be at the heart of your battleline, ready to hold against Roman attacks or advancing behind the terrifying might of your war elephants (did we mention that the Carthaginians get elephants?). With their bronze shields, greaves, and helmets shining in the Mediterranean sun, a unit (or three, or four, or five…) of Libyan heavy infantry has an imposing presence, and is certain to stand out on the tabletop amongst their allies.

Hail Caesar Epic Battles Carthaginian Libyan Heavy Infantry
Libyan Heavy Infantry

The final infantry on the sprue are your individual Numidian skirmishers – five of them, to be exact! The Numidians were renowned for their mastery of hit-and-run warfare, and the hardy North African warriors would see service with many forces over their kingdom’s history. Unarmoured, with only a round oxhide shield for protection, and equipped with javelins, they make for ideal skirmishers to screen your advancing forces and deal with those pesky Velites, but take care to keep them away from enemy cavalry!

Hail Caesar Epic Battles Numidian Skirmishers with Javelins
Numidian skirmishers with javelins

Alongside their brethren on foot, we find five mounted Numidians. Perhaps the quintessential Numidian soldiers, these men are superb horsemen and the perfect unit for harrying the enemy flanks, running down skirmishers and fleeing units, or distracting your foe with their lightning raids. You’ll definitely want to keep them away from protracted combat, as they lack the armour or staying power for this kind of work, but used properly they can be an absolute nightmare for the enemy to pin down and neutralise. Equipped exactly like their infantry comrades (apart, of course, from the horse!), they’re the last thing any Roman general wants to see sniffing around the fringes of a battle!

Hail Caesar Epic Battles Numidian Cavalry
Numidian Cavalry

The final figures on the sprue are the cream of the crop – Liby-Phoenician cavalry! These wealthy, well-equipped men are your big hitters on the battlefield, capable of getting stuck in and dishing out plenty of punishment with their spears, and surviving a beating in return thanks to their armour and large shields. Equipped in a rather Hellenistic fashion with scale armour, they provide great all-round service against a wide variety of enemies. Although they can struggle against really heavy cavalry, when used judiciously (particularly if you can utilise your infantry to pin the foe in place and your skirmishers to slow down reinforcements) they can absolutely turn the tide of battle in your favour – and look incredibly fancy while doing so!

Hail Caesar Epic Battles Carthaginian Liby-Phoenician Cavalry
Liby-Phoenician Cavalry
Hail Caesar Epic Battles Carthaginian Commanders
Carthaginian Mounted Commanders

Finally, there’s also a suitably noble Carthaginian commander included on the sprue. With his helmet plume and cloak, there’s no mistaking who’s in charge of the division, and if you find yourself with a surfeit of officers, he also fits right in with his fellow upper-crust types as a Liby-Phoenician. He’s also a fantastic opportunity to really go to town with your painting – between his armour, flashy helmet, and barded horse, he can be an absolute riot of colour!

And there you have it! This is just one of the new sprues that a Carthaginian General can call upon. We’ll take a closer look at the Gallic Celt and Allied Troops sprues in future articles!

Carthaginian Division

Hail Caesar Epic Battles Carthaginian Division Boxed Set
The Carthaginian division boxed set contains 2 mounted Carthaginian commanders, 2 mounted Gallic Celt commanders, 2 mounted Gallic Celt standard bearers, 3 bases of Libyan heavy infantry (20 soldiers each), 6 bases of Galic Celt Warriors (20 soldiers each), 2 bases of Gallic Celt skirmishers with slings, 3 bases of Iberian Scutarii warriors (20 soldiers each), 2 bases of Nimidian skirmishers with javelins, 2 bases of Liby-Pheonician cavalry and 2 bases of Numidian cavalry.

Hannibal Barca’s Carthaginian Army

Hail Caesar Epic Battles - Hannibal Barca's Carthaginian Army
Want to put the upstart Romans in their place and remind them who really rules the Mediterranean? Of course you do – and this awesome boxed set will give you the tools you need to do it on the Hail Caesar Epic Battles tabletop! Packed with the many and varied units of the Carthaginian army and their allies, this army box lets you field a force that’s both epic in scale and full of fantastic variety, presenting amazing hobby opportunities. Oh, and did we mention the elephants?! No Carthaginian force would be complete without their legendary war elephants, and with four of these mighty mammals in the box, you’ll be ready to trample any Romans that dare stand before you!
Hail Caesar Epic Battles - Hannibal battle set
The Hannibal battle set is so absolutely bursting with miniatures, that we couldn’t possibly fit them all in one single image – 188 bases worth of infantry – that’s, 3,010 soldiers, 56 bases of cavalry (220 soldiers), 32 mounted commanders/standard bearers, and 8 elephants (with 8 riders and 20 crewmen)! That’s not to mention an exclusive MDF scenery piece and the full rulebook!
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