Warlord Games are extremely excited to announce that renowned novelist, game writer and screenwriter Cam Rogers has recently signed a contract to join the Konflikt ’47 writing and development team.

Cam Rogers Joins the Konflikt '47 Development Team

An accomplished novelist, game writer, and screenwriter with particular expertise in the video game industry, Cam has served as a writer for Quantum Break and The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land, among many others, as well as being the Lead Writer and Voice Director for Digital Extremes’ Warframe. In addition, he is the author of the novels The Music of Razors and Quantum Break: Zero State.

Cam brings both a fantastic creative mind and a fresh new perspective to the world of Konflikt ’47, and will be an invaluable part of both the background and rules development team alongside Andy Chambers and the recently announced William King – and they’re not the only ones! It’s a great time to be a K’47 fan, as there are still more big names to be announced for the team – here’s what Cam had to say about joining the project:

“As a fan of Hellboy and Atomic Robo I’m thrilled to bits to be working alongside this all-star cast of creators as we throw a ton of wildly entertaining ‘what if’s’ at 20th century history. Andy assigned each of us an empire and it’s been fascinating to see – even in the early stages – how events in our respective little corners of Europe have informed the work our co-creators have done in theirs. There’s a dark cloud moving across the face of Europe and I think you’re going to love what’s hiding in it. Thanks to Andy and Warlord for giving me the chance to help make a World War weirder!”

It’s not just Cam that’s excited, either:

Peter Gosling – Head of Marketing and K’47 Product Manager, Warlord Games
“Cam is a really exciting addition to the team, coming as he does from outside the traditional wargaming sphere. His credentials and previous work are extremely impressive, and his creative vision and ability are clear to see. I can’t wait to see what fresh new perspectives and concepts he brings to the project!”

Konflikt '47 by Warlord Games

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Start Collecting Konflikt ’47

Exciting times are ahead for Konflikt ’47, but you can already leap in and embrace the weird war. Unleash Rift-tech-infused genetic monstrosities, towering walkers and a whole host of weapons of unparalleled destructive potential onto the tabletop. For those new to Konflikt, and to celebrate our announcement, we’ve put together Start Collecting Bundles for the core nations. Each contains a starter set for the relevant army (replete with dice, tokens and rulebook), one of the army’s signature walkers for undeniably cool armoured punch, and, as an added bonus, an armoured officer team for free to lead your new army to tabletop glory!

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