Despite a spirited defence against the Normandy invasion in June 1944, Hitler’s forces in northern France were comprehensively defeated and forced to retreat westward. Although their position was strengthened considerably following Operation Dragoon – the landing in southern France in August 1944 – the Allies were faced with considerable logistical problems as they advanced towards Germany, spreading their lines of communications and support thinner with every mile.

Operation Market Garden, the massive airborne assault of September 1944, failed to meet its objectives and the momentum of the Allied advance was further threatened.

German forces were able to capitalize on this and with mounting pressure from the east as Soviet forces prepared for a winter offensive, Hitler decided to launch one last gamble – a massive counter-offensive against the Allies in December 1944. The German assault (including 45 divisions) launched against American defenders dug in across the Ardennes region, which led to the largest single battle fought by the US Army in the entire twentieth century. The stakes could not have been higher for either side – for Germany, it truly was a last attempt to avoid being completely overwhelmed by the Western Allies, whilst for the American forces bearing the brunt of the assault, there was a very real threat that a German breakthrough could have undone all of the successes since D-Day.

Code named Operation Wacht am Rhein (Watch on the Rhine) by German forces, the initial successes of the campaign led to a worrying and distinctive bulge in the Allied front line, leading to the Allied press giving the offensive an immortal moniker: The Battle of the Bulge.

A well-placed Bazooka shot knocks out a Tiger tank.


The 12 scenarios in the campaign book are overflowing with detail and cover actions both in the lead-up to and the aftermath of the more famous ‘Bulge’ battles:

  • Scenario 1: Retreat Through the Mons Pocket The Aftermath
  • Scenario 2: The Battle of Hürtgen Forest
  • Scenario 3: The Battle of St Vith
  • Scenario 4: The Battle of Elsenborn Ridge – featuring Grenadier Radfahrzug Squad
  • Scenario 5: Kampfgruppe Peiper
  • Scenario 6: The Siege of Bastogne
  • Scenario 7: Operation Greif – featuring Panzerbrigade 150 Reinforced Platoon
  • Scenario 8: The Battle of Foy – featuring First Lieutenant Ronald Speirs
  • Scenario 9: Bandit Country
  • Scenario 10: Fogged Out
  • Scenario 11: Defend The Bridge
  • Scenario 12: The Colmar Pocket
As with all our Bolt Action Campaign books, order Battle of the Bulge from our webstore and you’ll receive a free special edition miniature – in this case Joachim Peiper. Full rules for fielding him, and his Panther, can be found within the campaign book.

New Units & Theatre Selectors

The Battle Of The Bulge campaign book is divided into easy sections that each focus on a particular facet of the campaign, detailing the combatants involved (including any special characters that made an appearance), a historical Bolt Action scenario, with any special rules or new units clearly explained, along with the recommended force selectors to use when preparing your forces.

You’ll also find a complete army list for a late-war Free French army!

New Rules

The extreme conditions of Winter 1944 in the Ardennes region had an extreme impact on the fighting efficacy of both sides. In the book, some familiar rules to emulate these conditions on tabletop battlefields are reprinted for convenience along with some brand-new ones.

These primarily deal with the wintry terrain, with rules presented for snow, mud, fog and ice as well as minefields and foxholes. However, you’ll also find rules for mountaineers, fuel shortages and frostbite – which can have a seriously debilitating effect on your troops before the tabletop battle has even commenced.

Lead elements of the US 119th Infantry Regiment clash with dug-in elements of Kampfgruppe Peiper in Stoumont.

Prepare Your Forces

German Heer (Winter) Bolt Action Starter army

Adolf Hitler’s aggressive campaign across the world ensured his troops would face the enemy in all environments and climates. None were more unforgiving than the harsh winters on the Eastern Front or in the Italian hills and mountains. The resourceful German Lander often had to make do with little more than their standard-issue woollen greatcoat gloves, scarves and a steely determination to not stave off only the cold, but also be able to fight and win.

This boxed set is a great starting point for a Winter German Heer force, whether you intend to campaign in the Battle of the Bulge, the cold Italian winters, or the bitter struggle on the Ostfront. With a strong base of infantry at its core, supported by powerful German armour and weapons teams, you’ll have a visually striking force ready to tackle US, British or Soviet opponents.

Box contains:

  • 48 plastic Infantry in greatcoats
  • 1 metal German HQ
  • 1 metal MMG Team
  • 1 metal Medium Mortar Team
  • 1 plastic Opel Blitz/Maultier
  • 1 plastic Panzer IV
US Army (Winter)

Although caught unawares and ill-equipped by Hitler’s last gamble in the West – embattled US troops won through whilst staving off the twin foes of the German offensive and the harsh winter conditions.

Clad in greatcoats, Mackinaw jackets and anything else to keep the bitter cold at bay, the soldiers of the US Army fought, and most often won, in the cold against their Italian and German adversaries.

A variety of metal and Warlord Resin boxed sets provide a wealth of options for kicking off a winter-clad US Bolt Action force. The following three boxed sets provide a solid core upon which to build.

US Army Infantry Squad (Winter)

Contains the following metal figures:

  • 1 NCO with SMG
  • 2 soldiers with BARs
  • 7 soldiers with rifles/carbines
US Army Weapons Teams (Winter)

Contains the following Warlord Resin figures:

  • 2-man Bazooka team
  • 2-man Sniper team
  • 2-man Flamethrower team
US Army Support Group (Winter)

Contains the following metal figures:

  • 3 officers with carbine/rifle
  • 1 medic
  • 1 radio operator/spotter
  • 1 medium mortar team
  • 1 MMG team

  1. We need a Montgomery figure to take command, and XXX Corps figures to bolster and and secure the line!
    Any plans for a Ellenborough Ridge scenario too!

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