With July’s Soldier of Fortune being a 28mm version of legendary commander Hannibal Barca, and continuing our celebration of the release of Hail Caesar Epic Battles, it seemed only fair to give equal representation to his Roman counterpart with August’s exclusive figure. Enter Scipio Africanus, Hammer of Carthage!

Soldier of Fortune 013 - Scipio Africanus - Hammer of Carthage, by Warlord Games

Publius Cornelius Scipio, popularly known by his honorific of Scipio Africanus, victor of the battles of Ilipa and Zama, conqueror of Carthaginian Iberia (modern-day Spain), and vanquisher of the great Hannibal, Africanus is regarded as one of history’s most capable generals, and in his lifetime was considered by many (including the defeated Hannibal Barca) as comparable to legends such as Alexander the Great.

The son of Consul and commander Publius Cornelius Scipio and a scion of one of Rome’s great families, Africanus would initially serve alongside many of his family members, before being appointed to command the campaign in Spain in 210BC. This was an extraordinary step given his youth, and would be followed by spectacular victories. Returning to Rome in 205BC he would be elected Consul despite being technically too young for the office, and would launch his invasion of Africa that year. Proving to be a master of both strategy and tactics,

Soldier of Fortune 013 - Scipio Africanus - Hammer of Carthage, by Warlord Games

Scipio Africanus was set apart from his contemporaries by his ability to inspire his men to astounding feats of combat against seemingly insurmountable odds. He would win his most famous victory at the Battle of Zama over Hannibal in 202BC, and return to Rome in triumph the following year, already a legendary commander despite being only in his thirties, to continue his political career.

Our new Soldier of Fortune figure is equally inspiring, packed with exquisite detail. Depicting Scipio astride a fine steed, ornately saddled, and looking suitably resplendent in fine armour, he is accompanied by an attendant bearing a dove taking flight, a longstanding symbol of the soul in ancient Roman culture.

Both figures are sure to take pride of place in your miniatures collection, or at the centre of a 28mm Republican Roman army!

Soldier of Fortune 013 - Scipio Africanus - Hammer of Carthage, by Warlord Games

Each month, a different, unique special figure is available to purchase exclusively through The Warlord Games Webstore, for that month only. At the end of the month, a new special figure takes its place. Once gone, those figures will be unavailable for a minimum of two years thereafter, by any means.

Numbered sequentially, it’s easy to keep track of your whole collection of these Warlord Webstore-exclusive figures. Remember that each figure will only be around for a month; don’t miss out on getting hold of the complete collection of Soldiers of Fortune!

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