Vanguard: Normandy takes a unique approach to managing your army compared to other game systems.

Rather than players bringing a pre-determined army list to the table, in Vanguard: Normandy, you begin simply by selecting a a faction, taking its Army Board and the two starting faction-specific Unit Cards.

Unit Cards include all the rules necessary for that unit, from its stats to its special abilities. You’ll begin the game with an HQ Unit and a basic infantry platoon. From the on, you’ll need to use Requisition to recruit additional units.

Vanguard: Normandy board game - Starting Units for a US Army
A US Army’s starting units in Vanguard: Normandy. To expand the size and variety of your army, you’ll need to earn Requisition and expand your Supply.

You’ll earn Requisition through battlefield control. Each game round, you’ll gain Victory points and Requisition based on which sectors of the battlefield are under your control. Controlling sectors is easy to track, as each one is marked with a token placed on the top row of your Army Board (as are sectors your opponent controls!).

Vanguard: Normandy board game - Battlefield sector control tracker
You can easily see who controls which sectors, and what each is worth in Victory Points and Requisition each turn.

When your recruit additional units, you’ll need to ensure:

  1. You have enough Supply,
  2. You can afford the unit’s Requisition Cost,
  3. There’s an available space on your Army Board matching the unit’s type.
Vanguard: Normandy board game, Unit Types and Costs
The Sniper is a Specialist unit, and requires the requisite open slot on your Army Board in order to recruit. You can see the unit’s Supply requirement, and Requisition cost on the top right of the card.
Vanguard: Normandy board game Supply tracker
Supply is easily tracked on each player’s Army Board.

Each unit in Vanguard: Normandy falls under a specific type: HQ, Infantry, Specialists, Artillery, Light Vehicles, and Heavy Vehicles. When recruiting, you can only do so to a free space on the Army Board corresponding to the new unit’s type.

Supply controls the rate at which you can unlock new Unit Card spaces on your Army Board, as well as access to more powerful units. You start with a Supply value of 1, which severely limits your early recruitment options. Should you go for a Machine Gun Team, an additional Infantry Platoon, or perhaps a Jeep, or should you invest it in increasing your Supply?

The higher your Supply, the more units your army can field, and the greater variety of units you can recruit from. As commander, you’ll need to find the right balance between recruiting units and upgrading your Supply.

Expand your Supply too slowly, and your opponent’s larger, more advanced army could overwhelm you, but expand it too quickly, and you may lack the Requisition to recruit any of the units you’ve just unlocked!

Tiger E Unit in the Vanguard board game.
Especially powerful units, such as the German Tiger E have particularly high Supply and Requisition costs – spend each of your resources wisely.

Please note, this is an in-development board game. All photos are of pre-production prototypes – these do not necessarily reflect the quality of the final product.

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Vanguard: Normandy Board Game by Warlord Games

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Vanguard: Normandy - Exclusive Cover Art Dice Tray for Kickstarter Backers who are also signed up or the Vanguard: Normandy Mailing List
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