Recently our HQ Store has been encouraging all the Warlord staffers to build up and paint a new armoured or mechanised Bolt Action Tank War platoon in anticipation of getting back to gaming when Covid-restrictions lift in the coming weeks.
The first step was of course for the participants to pick and paint their first vehicles, and store manager Dave took the opportunity to throw down the gauntlet; “This shall be a painting competition!” In the interest of avoiding bias (Dave is a participant), we have decided that you, the Warlord Community, should dictate the results. Though the challenge was only for one vehicle, some of our staffers surged ahead with their platoons! Check out their efforts and have your say by voting in the poll below:
Nick Elliot’s Deustch England Korps (Operation Gigant):
Ian Strickland’s Soviet Tank Platoon (Stalingrad):
Robin Scott-Blore’s Churchill ‘Bomb Boys’:
Conor Hind’s 7th Armoured Division (D-Day: British & Canadian Sectors):
Dave Barfield’s Late War Elefant Tank Destroyer:
Juergen Horn’s Winter German Platoon:
(Note: Don’t let the scenery influence you – you’re voting on the vehicles! -ed.)

Jason Farrow’s US Armoured Platoon:

Alex Thorn’s ISU-100: