Warlord Games Videos – Black Powder & Black Seas

John Stallard’s Napoleonic Spanish & Portuguese Showcase

John’s Napoleonic Black Powder collection is already a truly magnificent spectacle on the tabletop, but John’s paint station is never empty. His latest additions bring even more splendour to his Peninsular Campaign selections, in the form of Spanish and Portuguese. He even teases future releases for those armies…

Black Seas – A Quick look Through Hold Fast!

We have a quick flick through of our new Hold Fast! supplement for Black Seas!

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – Campaign Straight Out of the Box!

On December 7th 2021, Robin and Alister snuck into Wargames Illustrated HQ to watch a rather spectacular game of Epic Waterloo straight out of the box played by two veterans of the local Wargaming community!

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – John Answers YOUR Questions!

We’ve gathered your questions concerning our next foray into Epic Battles. John was delighted to answer your queries on the upcoming Waterloo campaign!