Wiosena Ofensywa turniej Bolt Action Poznań
Wargamer Poznań Święty Marcin 47, Poznań, Poznań, Polandapraszam wszystkich chętnych na turniej w Bolt Action! Spotykamy się 22 marca 2025 r., w sobotę, w poznańskim…
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apraszam wszystkich chętnych na turniej w Bolt Action! Spotykamy się 22 marca 2025 r., w sobotę, w poznańskim…
Northern Lights is a one day open Bolt Action competition, and although players can score points for the…
This will be the first Bolt Action event in the Prato degli Angeli farmhouse, an idyllic place where…
Welcome to the first Swedish Nationals of Bolt Action! All Swedish Bolt Action communitis from Stockholm to Gothenburg…
The theme for the day is ‘Deathstars’. 1250 points and max 12 order dice. This gives you a…
"Droga do Berlina 2025" (Road to Berlin 2025) is a unique two-day historical wargaming event taking place April…
This is the Second Annual “Brawl In The Hall” Bolt Action Tournament. It is based on the “Recon…
The club 'El Jabalí Pisador' (the trampling boar) has existed for 3 years and from the beginning it…