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Swedish Nationals

March 29 @ 8:30 am - March 30 @ 5:00 pm GMT

Welcome to the first Swedish Nationals of Bolt Action!

All Swedish Bolt Action communitis from Stockholm to Gothenburg and Malmo have come together to create a national championship for our favourite game! The venue couldn’t be more fitting – The Army Museum right in the middle of Stockholm with a great exhibition including a floor with uniforms, weaponry and equipment from World War 2. A great place to research your next paint scheme!

If you are a beginner you are more than welcome to join the tournament. There will be open nights at the museum on March 11th, 18th and 25th where you can try out the game, learn some basic rules and even start painting your own force! Put your own newly painted mini into the amazing landscapes created by the museum and the players themselves and see how it does on the battlefield.

Swedish Nationals will be played over a series of five games, three on the 29th and two on the 30th, with luch and dinner breaks. There are a number of restaurants in the vincinity and also a great one at the museum – “The Arsenal”. On Sunday we also have the luxury of receiving a guided tour of the WW2 exhibition. As we are expecting some international players from our neighbouring countries the tour will be held in English.

The lists will be restricted to 1000p and a maximum of 16 order dice. You can only take a maximum of two multi rocket launchers and they have to be taken as regular or veteran. Only units from the Bolt Action v3 rulebook and minor nations pdf are allowed.

Lists must be sent to info@jensmagi.se by March 10th. Missions will be distributed one week prior to the event.

There will be prizes for top finishers as well as “Best painted army” and “Best table”. If you want to show off your own incredible gaming board, please contact us and we will get you all the info.

We hope this sounds lika alot of fun so please don’t hesitate. Beginners and seasoned players alike are welcome! To register for Swedish Nationals you can just send an email to info@jensmagi.se

See you in March!


Jens Jadbäck


Riddargatan 13
Stockholm, Stockholm 114 51 Sweden
+ Google Map