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Stoke Challenge – July 13th – Bolt Action Tournament

July 13, 2014


http://www.warlordgames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=14402 as seen on our forum.

Your chance to play against Bolt Action creators Alessio Cavatore and Rick Priestley!

The Cobridge Old Contemptibles Wargames Club invite all comers to take part in a Bolt Action tournament.
The event will take place on Sunday 13th July, as part of their annual Stoke Challenge wargames show, held in the Cobridge Territorial Army Centre, Stoke-on-Trent (address details below) – proceeds to go to charity.

Game designers, Alessio Cavatore and Rick Priestley as well as Warlord’s own Andrew Chesney, will be taking part in the competition – so why not sign up to pit your skills against them.

As well as the extreme kudos of winning such a prestigious tournament, Warlord games are also offering a cornucopia of prizes.

Entry for the competition (with free admission to the show) will be £15.
Places will be strictly limited to 15 players (making 18 in total). If you wish to sign up then please PM me here to let me know your interest and I will forward you the details of where to send your cheque and who to make it payable to.
Please note that your place will only be reserved once we have received your cheque and it has cleared.
If there are any relevant questions then please feel free to post them here and I will do my best to answer them – or pass them to a man who can.

Tournament rules are as follows:
• Rules – Bolt Action rules for each game will be as the most recent FAQ/Errata (available on the Warlod Forum).
• Tournament Length – Each player will play 4 games lasting 1 ½ hrs each – each game completing the turn in progress when time is up.
• Forces & Scenarios – For the first 3 games each player will be allowed to field up to 1000 points and the game will be one of:
o Envelopment (p108 main rule book)
o Point defence (p112 main rule book)
o Top secret (p114 main rule book) – each player must bring a suitable model as an ‘objective’ for use in this scenario.
For the final game each player will be allowed to field up to 1500 points and the game played will be Maximum Attrition (p110 main rule book)
In either case, your force may be drawn from either: the main rule book, or; the real net army book – you may not mix and match from both – one or the other only.
Players may field a maximum of 12 units within the points limit specified for each game.
A list of the force you intend to use for both your 1000 and 1500 point force must be supplied to the referees prior to starting the first game on the day of the competition.
Any player may request to view the army list of any other player at any time.

• Tournament Points – Once the time is up or the game is finished, victory is determined by objectives held.
If the game has not finished and a winner cannot be determined by objectives held, then a winner will be decided as that player who has destroyed the highest points value of opposing forces.
Each player then accrues ‘Tournament Points’ for that game: 3 points for a win; 2 points for a draw; 0 points for a Loss.

• Casualty Points – During each game, each player should keep a running total of the total points value of opposing forces they have destroyed. This total may be used to adjudicate the winner of any game where victory cannot be determined by objectives held. This total should be checked and corroborated by the opposing player and referee for that game.
The total points value of opposing forces that a player has destroyed in all games so far played is the players ongoing ‘Casualty Points’ total, which may be used to adjudicate player matching in subsequent games after the first, as well as final tournament placing.

• Game Matching – Match-up for the first game will be decided by random draw. From the second round, players will be paired using a Swiss system (i.e. players with the same number of Tournament Points (TPs), in descending order, will be matched for the next game).
In case of more than two players on the same number of TPs, players will be matched in descending ‘Casualty points’ total. Where more than 2 players have the same TP and Casualty points total, player pairing will be determined by random draw, unless 2 of those players have already been matched for a previous game – in which case they should not be re-matched.
When two players that have already been matched in a previous game are matched to play each other again, they must randomly select opponents from the players on the next table down. This rule does not apply during the last game of the tournament.

• Tournament Placing – At the end of the final game, Tournament position will be determined according to the following criteria:
o Descending Tournament Point value;
o If 2 or more players have the same TP total, order is determined in descending Casualty Point total for those players;
o If 2 or more players have the same TP and Casualty Point total then:
If those players have played each other during the tournament, then the winner of any such match will be placed above the loser when determining tournament position;
If those players have not played each other during the tournament, then the players take joint tournament position.

For more information regarding the Stoke Challenge visit the new club website at:

Tournament / wargames show address details:
Army Reserves Centre
Waterloo Rd
United Kingdom


July 13, 2014


Matt Walford


Army Reserves Centre
Waterloo Road
Stoke, ST6 3HJ United Kingdom
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