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Operation Yuletide
December 14 @ 10:00 am GMT
Come all ye merry gentlemen of Warlord Games to play. To Operation Yuletide will
compete with friends this day. A friendly tournament of dice, of armies, and of play. Oh
tidings of table top displays. Table displays. Oh tidings of table top displays.
Your army twelve hundred fifty points, platoons no more than four. Your order dice of
victory be 20 and no more. Home rules there will be a few, but not to be ignored. Oh
tidings of table top displays. Table Displays. Oh tidings of table top displays.
In Sacramento we will meet at Kastle of the Game. Arrive no late than 10am and register
pre-game. Your army will be painted well for no one will declaim. Bolt Action we will play.
We will play. Bolt Action we will play.