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Millenium Games 3rd Edition Bolt Action Escalation League
February 5 @ 12:00 am - February 28 @ 11:59 pm GMT
This league is meant to draw players from the community together to help build a player base for the fantastic game of Bolt Action! Veterans, regulars, and inexperienced players are all welcome! Come out and have some fun throwing dice as we dig into the new 3rd edition version of Bolt Action!
Pairings will go up weekly every Wednesday starting on February 5th. The official play night will be on Wednesday but players are welcome to arrange a time that best works them to get their matches in as long as it is before the next Wednesday when the next round’s pairings will go up.
Please join our WNY Bolt Action Facebook group if you have not already we will be using that and a combination of messenger to post pairings and answer questions. If Facebook does not work please reach out to Isaac Pendley and we will work something out to keep everyone in the loop!
Escalation Style
Select your nation of choice and go to war! Players should stick with their original nation but are welcome to edit their list anyways they see fit between rounds.
Rule of 3: no more than 3 of a unit outside of infantry selections and transports. (Transports must actually transport something and cannot be used for dice padding)
Round 1, Feb 5th: 500 points, 10 order dice maximum, played on 4×4
Round 2, Feb 12th: 750 points, 15 order dice max, 6×4
Round 3, Feb 19th: 1000 points, 20 order dice max, 6×4
Round 4, Feb 26th: 1250 points, 25 order dice max, 6×4
Players will roll for the battle scenario as outlined in the rulebook in the “Battle Scenario Summary Table” when they meet to play their league match.
Follow the rules for conditions as the rulebook says with the exception for the “Fog of War” deployment type. We will be using an edited version that leads to a better play experience outlined below.
Fog of War: On the occasion that a 6 is rolled for the deployment type and players will be using the Fog of War deployment type, players should follow the rules as written with the exception of how units left in reserve may enter the table. Instead of units entering as reserves always entering on the board edge of the player’s choice. Players will roll for the unit’s order test to see if the unit is able to enter as reserve. Then, Roll a D6 and enter as reserves on the board edge corresponding with result below,
1- opponent chooses the board edge
2- North Board Edge (Long Edge)
3- West Board Edge (short edge)
4- East Board Edge (short edge)
5- South Board Edge (Long Edge)
6- controlling player chooses a board edge of their choice
Note: It is important to determine what Long edge will be considered the North Board Edge before the game begins