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HMG South – Hurricon – Kilroy was Here – 1250 Bolt Action Tournament and Charity Event
September 27, 2024 - September 28, 2024
Up to 28 players will face off with a 1250 point, 16 order dice max lists in the Bolt Action over a two-
day, 5 round tournament. This is our second event seeking to support K9 Partners for Patriots here
in Florida! K9 Partners for Patriots assists veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injury (TBI),
and military sexual trauma (MST) by providing free of charge service dogs and training. What is
better than giving something back to those that has served our country and give a great pup the
chance to help find a loving home and a forever friend that can support one another?
We are ending 2 nd edition with fond farewell and welcome 3 rd edition in what is going to end with a
unique tournament. Chairty dice will be available for donations, two Bolt Action armies including a
fully painted Ranger Army and Japanese army read for 3 rd Edition will be available for silent auction
as well as other great opportunities to support a worthy cause. Additionally, we will be offering Bolt
Action 3 rd edition demos, answering questions and giving advice for players to expand their armies to
meet the challenges of the new edition.
Meet our charity! Service Dogs for Veterans – K9 Partners for Patriots