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Bolt Action Singles tournament at AdeptiCon

March 23, 2024 @ 12:00 am GMT

So I hear you ask, “what makes Adepticon so special?” Well let me tell you! Adepticon was voted the number one event in the world according to the Wargames Illustrated 2023 Gaming survey, beating out Salute and Partisan! Warlord Games has been supporting this event over the past ten years and each year it gets bigger and better. This singles BA tournament will be a Late War Europe Themed Tournament, But all armies welcome. Bring out your Big Boys, there will be special rules for super heavy’s. We will have 3, 2.5Hr Rounds at 1250 Points, 1 platoon and a 14-order dice limit. See Website for full tournament rules break down. You know you want to attend this one of a kind event in all of North America….SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Grab your armies and head over to the best four days of miniature gaming… ADEPTICON!


Jay Casper


Hyatt Regency Schaumburg
1800 E Golf Rd
Schaumburg, 60173 United States
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