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Attrition II

July 6, 2024 - July 9, 2024

Attrition is as far as we’re aware the only event where your army gets smaller as the rounds progress.
This year we are kicking off with a 1500 point game over 3 hours – single or double generic platoons, or a single Theatre list. Apart from no Tank Platoons allowed anything goes. There are no army or dice restrictions, just be sensible with your dice count as we want to finish in time.
The second game will be 1100 points – a Pyrrhic victory has left you with no reserves. but you must push on. There are the same (lack of) restrictions as the 1500 point game.
The third is 750 points – it’s getting dark and the tanks have gone for a brew. In this game there are no armoured vehicles, so AV6 max. To make is fairer at this points level there are no free units allowed.

Being the swansong of Bolt Action v2 we want to see as many varied lists as possible. Hopefully we will see some nice fun or themed lists, especially at 1500points.
Also Johnny Ferg is cooking lunch, so you don’t want to miss that!


Grant Murray
01307 860224


Forfar Community Church
Forfar, Angus DD8 3AX United Kingdom
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